You get out of bed and put your clothes on. Or you could stay in your pajamas, it won't effect the narrative, but nonetheless, you tell Rhys goodbye, and get into your car and drive to work. On your way there, mayor of Cardiff, Ro-Jedda, is crossing the road. A. Continue on Your Way B. Run Ro-Jedda Over, slamming your car into a nearby building and having it explode
Hello There! Welcome to the Choose Your Own Torchwood Experience! Be forewarned, this probably requires knowledge of Aliens Among Us 1-3, and spoilers exist throughout. I have not done God Among Us yet, so there are none of those. This story takes place during the episode Poker Face, but it is slightly altered to fit the starting narrative, your choices will radically alter the narrative of Torchwood from then on. There are Aliens Among Us! Gwen Cooper has been possessed, but not by Ng this time! YOU are in control of Gwen's actions! Take Control of Gwen, and do whatever the hell you want in the ideal Torchwood experience! Have graphic adult scenes with the entire cast! Murder them! Follow the plot like an ordinary person! Stand still into you die of old age! Your choices are numerous! The Story Begins...Now... Ng suddenly begins to die horribly. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRGH" They say, fading into nothing, as you enter the mind and take control of Gw...
WHAT THE HELL? Why Why would you be doing these things? You could be playing like, GTA or Postal 2 or something. Fine, fine. Who am I to stop you? You take her gun off of the counter and blast PC Owen to bits. Hundreds of Police suddenly burst into the room, even Andy Davidson. You thought he wasn't even here right now. A. Kill Andy B. Surrender
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