Throw Yvonne in a cell

 Yvonne remains silent while being placed in the cell, as if this was part of her plan all along. 

"Thanks for trusting me. Whatever's going on right now with the bombings, it's definitely Yvonne's fault." Jack says. 


"Red doors have commited several bombings recently on civilian targets." Jack says. 

"Oh my god." Colchester says. He's evidently seen the most recent bombing on the news on his computer. He shows you, Orr and Jack. 

"There's been an explosion at town hall." He grunts, angrily. "Hundreds of innocent lives are in critical. 14 are dead. And Tyler Steele and Ro-Jedda seem to be just fine on the top of it all." 

"That seems pretty bad. Like it, urgently deserves our attention." Orr remarks. 

"No. The real threat is Yvonne Hartman!" Jack insists. He points at the CCTV of the cell where Yvonne sits. "She's sitting there! Ominously!" 

Yvonne is indeed sitting there ominously, doing a bit of knitting.

What Do You Do?

A. Investigate the Bombings at City Hall

B. Yo, Yvonne Hartman seems kinda Sus- 


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